Supplemental Writing

Prompt: Submit a supplemental writing piece titled ‘Current Challenge in Systems Genomics’, in which you explore and assess a current challenge within systems genomics that is particularly relevant to the field of genetic counseling.

Systems genomics refers to the use of advances in genomic technologies to gain deeper and more quantitative and qualitative insight into the genome and resulting phenotypic impacts. This includes using large data sets about complex biological systems to improve our understanding of clinical and biological outcomes. 

We suggest you choose a topic that speaks to a personal interest of yours in the world of genomics. Examples of topics explored in the past include:

  • Looking at a specific genetic disorder and how our understanding of its underlying etiologies and pathogenesis has evolved in recent years
  • Exploring the societal and personal impact of the advent of personal genome testing available direct-to-consumer
  • New practices in assisted reproductive technology and interpretation of genetic testing results from pre-implantation genetic screening 


  • no more than one page in length
  • 1.5 line spacing
  • font size no smaller than 10.5
  • margins between 0.75-inches and one-inch on all sides
  • applicant Match ID # in lower right corner of bottom margin/footer on page