Prompt: Submit a diversity statement that speaks to your commitment to understanding and supporting the pursuit of equity, inclusion, and justice in your professional and/or personal life.
The purpose of this statement is for you to demonstrate your insight into barriers and inequities that marginalized/underrepresented individuals and communities experience, share any experiences related to advocacy for diverse populations and engaging meaningfully with cultures other than your own, and describe the unique perspective(s) you would bring to the genetic counseling profession. We do not expect you to self-disclose your personal identities unless you wish to, but rather to express your knowledge of the value of diversity, equity, inclusion, anti-racism and justice.
- no more than one page in length
- 1.5 line spacing
- font size no smaller than 10.5
- margins between 0.75-inches and one-inch on all sides
- applicant Match ID # in lower right corner of bottom margin/footer on page
Tips for writing a diversity statement from the University of Connecticut Center for Career Development.